We have a wide range of volunteer opportunities and needs that require varying time commitments and skill levels.  Volunteer opportunities are listed below and are divided into 3 categories: Leading, Connecting, and Creating, You can download a Volunteer Application at the bottom of the page.  

We are always excited to partner with others - to learn more about how to become a partner, please click HERE.

For more information on some of our annual volunteer projects, please click HERE.



  1. Serve as a Board member.

  2. Lead a workshop for the moms and/or kids living at The House Next Door.

  3. Share The House Next Door with your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or networks.


  1. Serve as a Mentor, working one-on-one with one of our moms.

  2. Tutor a mom or group of moms.

  3. Babysit while a mom has a final exam, doctor’s appointment, or is in a meeting.

  4. Transport a mom to scheduled final exam or appointment.


  1. Assist with one of our fundraisers.

  2. Use one of your Thrivent Financial Action Teams for a project at The House Next Door.

  3. Work with yard or House maintenance projects.

  4. Cut or sew stoles (or even shop!) with Threads of Grace, a nonprofit whose proceeds benefit local organizations, including The House Next Door.


Download a Volunteer Application and our Volunteer Expectations below.   You can email your completed application to: thehousenextdoornampa@gmail.com

If you have any questions or wish to speak with someone about where your interests might best be served, please feel free to contact us!